The R-Series modular flow chemistry system


R-Series System overview

The R-Series is undoubtedly the most versatile, modular flow chemistry system available today. Developed for the scientist who needs…

  • RS-600-multiple step reaction system

    R-Series RS-600

  • Peptide-Explorer versatile automated peptide synthesizer

    R-Series RS-500

  • Microscale High-Throughput Synthesis in Continuous Flow

    R-Series RS-400 configuration

  • RS-300 multiple pump flow chemistry system

    R-Series RS-300 configuration

  • RS-200 multiple pump flow chemistry system

    R-Series RS-200 configuration

  • RS-100 flow chemistry system

    R-Series RS100 configuration

  • R-series inert gas balnketing

    R-Series Inert Gas Blanketing

  • Vapourtec autrosampler pacakge

    R-Series Autosampler

  • Best in class performance
  • Easy to learn and adaptable for many reactions or processes
  • The reassurance of a system chosen by all the major pharma companies, mentioned in 1,148 peer-reviewed publications
  • A proven design that has evolved over 18 years with over 700 systems in daily use around the world

Standard Configurations

View all configurations