eBPR – precision back pressure regulator

A back pressure regulator plays an important role in organic synthesis laboratories, particularly in managing pressure within continuous-flow reactions. These devices maintain a constant downstream pressure, ensuring uniform flow rates and optimal reaction conditions. In processes involving gas-liquid reactions, such as hydrogenation, back pressure regulators help control the solubility of gases by keeping the pressure steady, which enhances reaction efficiency. Precision back pressure regulators enhance reproducibility, scalability, and safe operation, making them indispensable tools for modern chemical synthesis and process optimization.

Back pressure regulators (BPR) have, until now, been fixed and manually or electronically adjustable through the external control of gas pressure.

Vapourtec’s eBPR is an innovative, self-contained, electronically adjustable back pressure regulator that does not require any external reference gas pressure.

  • Vapourtec electronic back pressure regulator (eBPR)

    eBPR 4

  • Vapourtec eBPR straight on

    eBPR 3

  • Vapourtec eBPR straight on with connections

    eBPR 2

  • Vapourtec eBPR

    eBPR 1

  • eBPR without interface - straight on

    eBPR without interface – straight on

  • eBPR without interface - side profile

    eBPR without interface – side profile

  • eBPR without interface - straight on - with connections

    eBPR without interface – straight on – with connections

  • eBPR without interface - side profile - with connections

    eBPR without interface – side profile – with connections

Features of the eBPR precision back pressure regulator

The eBPR is a rugged back pressure regulator where the desired back pressure can be set electronically.  Key features include:

  • Precision back pressure regulation
  • Pressure control 0.5 bar to 20 bar (gauge)
  • Electronically set reference pressure
  • Suitable for concentrated acids. Wetted surfaces are PTFE & PFA only
  • RS-232 serial protocols
  • Version available with or without manual control interface
  • Can be mounted on an E-Series or R-Series flow chemistry system
  • Reaction pressure can now be used as a variable for automated optimisation
  • High precision version available with pressure control 0.1 bar to 5 bar (gauge)
  • Patent pending


A Back Pressure Regulator is a critical part of any flow chemistry system. It regulates the pressure at the inlet by opening up as necessary to precisely maintain the desired upstream pressure which is usually the reactor pressure.

In addition to flow chemistry applications, the eBPR has applications in most chemical processes for providing pressure relief for liquid, gas or mixed fluids.
The wetted flow path of the Vapourtec eBPR has only Polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE) and Perfluoroalkoxy alkanes (PFA) fluoropolymers contact surfaces.

The specifications are impressive with Vapourtec’s eBPR delivering precise control of back pressure in the range 0.5 to 20 bar (g) over a flowrate range of 0.05 ml/ min to 30 ml/ min. It works with fluid temperatures up to 100 °C.

The eBPR is available with or without an integrated user interface with both options having the choice of remotely setting back pressure by serial commands using RS-232 protocols.

In conclusion: The eBPR is a game changer when it comes to back pressure regulation offering flexibility, precise control and increased scope for novel chemistry.

eBPR with user interface mounted on an E-Series system

eBPR with user interface mounted on an E-Series system




eBPR without user interface mounted on an R-Series system

eBPR without user interface mounted on an R-Series system