Continuous flow of breakthroughs for Vapourtec

Date: 11 December 2014 | Category: News

Flow chemistry systems designed and manufactured by Suffolk (UK) based Vapourtec have recently reached the impressive milestone of having been cited in 150 peer review publications.

By way of a comparison Vapourtec’s two closest competitors in flow chemistry technology have been mentioned in 51 and 40 publications respectively.

Recent published breakthroughs using Vapourtec’s pioneering E-Series system include the Continuous Synthesis of Organozinc Halides Coupled to Negishi Reactions1 (Advanced Synthesis and Catalysis), Continuous flow-processing of organometallic reagents using an advanced peristaltic pumping system and the telescoped flow synthesis of (E/Z)-tamoxifen2 (Organic Process Research and Development) and Continuous Flow Magnesiation of Functionalized Heterocycles and Acrylates with the Knochel-Hauser base (TMPMgCl·LiCl)3 (Angewandte Chemie International Edition).

Vapourtec founder and MD Duncan Guthrie commented: “The real world applications of continuous flow chemistry continue to grow with an ever increasing number of research breakthroughs and it is humbling to know that our technologies are playing their part in this progress.”

“It’s a very exciting time to be involved in flow chemistry with positive implications for the pharma, industrial and education sectors and we are very pleased to see our systems operating at the cutting edge of research in laboratories across the world,” added Duncan.

Vapourtec design and manufacture flow chemistry systems for a wide variety of sectors across the globe including education, pharmaceutical and industry with their technologies used by all of the major pharmaceutical brands.

Established in 2003, Vapourtec has developed a flourishing international market for its technology with sales across much of the world including USA, China, Japan, Singapore and India.

Find out more Published papers

Research carried out by the Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry at Florida State University (USA) in conjunction with Janssen Research and Development (Toledo, Spain) and the Facultad de Química (Universidad de Castilla-La Mancha, Spain) describes the continuous formation of organozinc halides using the rarely used, yet powerful, Negishi cross coupling bond forming reaction.

The Group of Prof Steven V. Ley, Department of Chemistry (University of Cambridge, UK) has outlined a possible breakthrough for the manufacture of breast cancer drug Tamoxifen using an advanced peristaltic pumping system that enables the processing of organometallic reagents. The paper also describes a range of organometallic reactions that can run continuously using the advanced Vapourtec V-3 pumps.

Researchers from the Ludwig-Maximilians-Universitat Munchen have shown a procedure for functionalizing a range of heterocycles and various sensitive acrylates using the strong, non-nucleotide Knochel-Hauser base TMPMgCl.LiCl and the subsequent quenching with various electrophiles. The ability of the V-3 pump to continuously process reagents of this type allows for the multi-gram scale-up of these reactions previously limited to small scale. The magnesiation of pyridines, pyrimidines, thiophenes, thiazoles and functionalized acrylates are described in excellent yields.