Vapourtec Zaiput link increases capabilities

Liquid extraction

Date: 15 April 2015 | Category: News

Flow chemistry specialists Vapourtec have worked with US-based Zaiput Flow Technologies to add liquid – liquid separation to its product capabilities.

The Zaiput patented liquid – liquid separators offer a “plug and play” option for phase separation in conjunction with Vapourtec’s existing E-Series and R-Series flow chemistry systems.

The separators have one inlet for the mixed stream and two outlets for the organic and aqueous phase respectively. Its use does not require any preparation or calibration and is suitable for the majority of aqueous/organic pairs.

“We have established an excellent working relationship with Zaiput. Our collaborations look set to enhance the scope and potential of continuous chemical processing,” explained Vapourtec MD Duncan Guthrie.

Find out more about Zaiput seperators
Find out more about Vapourtec products

Examples of Zaiput flow separator / Vapourtec available from international publications:

A Continuous-Flow Approach to 3,3,3-Trifluoromethylpropenes: Bringing Together Grignard Addition, Peterson Elimination, Inline Extraction, and Solvent Switching

Zaiput Vapourtec solvent swap

Trevor A. Hamlin

Gillian M. L. Lazarus

Christopher B. Kelly

Nicholas E. Leadbeater*†‡

Department of Chemistry, University of Connecticut, United States

Department of Community Medicine & Health Care, University of Connecticut Health Center, United States

A continuous-flow approach to the synthesis of 3,3,3-trifluoromethylpropenes involving Grignard addition of (trimethylsilyl)methylmagnesium chloride to a trifluoromethyl ketone followed by dehydrative desilylation of the α-trifluoromethyl-β-hydroxysilyl alcohol using trimethylsilyl trifluoromethanesulfonate is reported. An inline aqueous/organic extraction and a concomitant solvent switch were key to the success of the methodology. Transition from batch to continuous flow conditions allows for higher yields, shorter reaction times, and facile scale out.

Click here to go to the full OPR&D Publication

Visible-light photoredox catalysis using a macromolecular ruthenium complex: reactivity and recovery by size-exclusion nanofiltration in continuous flow


Javier Guerra,ab

David Cantilloa

C. Oliver Kappea

a Institute of Chemistry, University of Graz, NAWI Graz, Heinrichstrasse 28, A-8010 Graz, Austria

b Crystal Pharma, Gadea Pharmaceutical Group, a division of AMRI, Parque Tecnológico de Boecillo, Valladolid, Spain

A novel macromolecular photoredox catalyst based on [Ru(bpy)3]2+ anchored to a 2nd-generation PAMAM dendrimer has been developed. Its catalytic activity under visible light irradiation and recyclability using organic solvent nanofiltration with a size-exclusion membrane have been explored under continuous flow conditions.

Click here to go to the full RSC Publication