Vapourtec reaches 700 citations in peer-reviewed publications

Date: 27 July 2021 | Category: Headline NewsNews

Flow chemistry specialists Vapourtec has reached a significant milestone with 700 citations within scientific peer-reviewed publications.

The landmark was recently reached with the paper “Synthesis of Enantiopure Unnatural Amino Acids by Metallaphotoredox Catalysis” from Eli Lilly and the Macmillan group at Princeton University that was featured in ACS journal Organic Process Research & Development.

The next best performance by any flow chemistry related company stands at around 400, marking Vapourtec, by a distance, as the most cited, continuous process focused business in the world.

Vapourtec founder and MD Duncan Guthrie commented: “This is yet another major milestone in Vapourtec’s history and proof that our systems and ever evolving range of reactors are pushing the boundaries of flow chemistry forward.

“Since 2016, when we hit 200 publications, the rate of continuous process breakthroughs achieved using Vapourtec systems has increased considerably indicating a rapidly growing use and awareness of flow chemistry.

“We are delighted that our enabling technologies have played their part in close collaboration with numerous, fine flow chemistry teams around the globe from both industry and academia,” added Duncan.

Publications Citing Vapourtec

To view publications featuring Vapourtec flow chemistry equipment click here