Meet the Vapourtec team


    Josh, Software Engineer

    Josh is a Software Engineer at Vapourtec, which sees him involved in a number of different projects, including developing software to assist or improve integration with new devices with the R-Series software, developing and maintaining firmware across all Vapourtec modules, coding firmware for new devices such as the innovative easy-HC10 disinfectant sprayer, and assisting in the design and development of new Vapourtec products.

    Josh has been a part of the Vapourtec team for 2 and a half years, mostly valuing the friendly and team-orientated working environment that Vapourtec has to offer. He also enjoys getting to work in a research and development field, as Vapourtec is always looking ahead to the future of continuous flow processing, commenting that his work sees him ‘working on new, bigger and greater things.’

    If Josh could describe his job in three words, he would choose:

    Coding – Testing – Repeat

    In his free time outside of work, Josh likes to play airsoft on the weekends, which he says is great for exercise as well as meeting new people. He also enjoys outdoor activities such as hiking and cycling, which he balances out by playing video games with his friends.

    Fun fact: “In my spare time I design and develop 3D models which I print on my 3D printer. This provided me with a good understanding of designing 3 models and 3D printer plastics which these skills have been beneficial in my role at Vapourtec.”





    Get in touch

    For more information on flow chemistry systems and services please use the contact methods below.

    Call us on +44 (0)1284 728659 or Email us