Meet the Vapourtec team


    Rachel, Product Support Specialist

    Rachel is the Product Support Specialist at Vapourtec, which means she is the friendly voice at the end of the phone, supporting our customers from the moment of the despatch of their goods, dealing with customs and couriers alike. She is also responsible for aiding with the quotation and purchasing of spare parts and performance issues.  Another key part of her role involves creating, quoting, and maintaining the database for our Preventative Maintenance Contracts, to help customers ensure the modules continue to work at optimum levels.

    Rachel has been with the Vapourtec team for just over 2 and a half years, starting in early 2020. Rachel states “I like the variety of the work, I like helping people resolve their problems, and the lovely feedback we receive from them about our products.  I also like when the job throws me challenges or something new to learn.” She also enjoys the rich green and peaceful setting that the Vapourtec offices are located within.

    To describe her job in three words, Rachel would choose:

    Supporting – stressless – various

    Outside of work, Rachel is currently in the second year of earning her bachelor’s degree (Hons) with Open University, majoring in English Literature and Creative Writing, which takes up a majority of her free time.

    She also has a love of stories, in film, media or written word, favouring Sci-Fi, Fantasy, and detective dramas, with Sherlock Homes being a long-time favourite of hers.

    Rachel has also just re-homed an adorable grey and white short haired domestic cat called Bobby, who has demanded first place in her life in the short three months he has moved in and taken over.

    Fun fact: “I’ve abseiled down the side of Addenbrooke’s Hospital, jumped 2000ft from a plane with a static line for charity, and walked over fire and broken glass. I love the written word, and have a thing for stationary and pretty books.”

    Get in touch

    For more information on flow chemistry systems and services please use the contact methods below.

    Call us on +44 (0)1284 728659 or Email us