«Quick, convenient, and clean»: Advancing education in green chemistry and nanocatalysis using sol-gel catalysts under flow

    • Antonino Scurriaa
    • Mario Pagliaroa
    • Rosaria Ciriminnaa
    • aIstituto per lo Studio dei Materiali Nanostrutturati, CNR, via U. La Malfa 153, 90146 Palermo, Italy

    Removing one key barrier to the industrial uptake of green chemistry and nanocatalysis in the fine and specialty
    chemical industry requires to fill an ongoing “talent shortage” via expanded chemistry education. In this study we
    show how the use of hybrid sol-gel catalysts to synthesize fine chemicals and active pharmaceutical ingredients in
    flow chemistry reactors illustrates new ideas to reshape chemistry education based on recent research outcomes,
    visualization and digital tools. Aiming to expand the knowledge base, skills and competencies that comprise the
    aforementioned new professional talent in catalysis and green chemistry currently in high demand, we identify
    several lessons learned from the industrial and academic utilization of these materials.

    Read the publication that featured this abstract

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