Integrated plug flow synthesis and crystallisation of pyrazinamide

Added on:
1 Aug, 2019

We report the integration of flow chemistry with plug flow crystallisation. Catalytic flow hydration of pyrazinecarbonitrile to pyrazinamide was performed in a packed bed column of MnO2. The effluent of this flow reactor was directly linked to a tri-segmented tubular crystalliser (KRAIC), providing a seamless transition from flow synthesis to crystallisation, with control over solid form and particle characteristics.

  • C. Daniel Scotta
  • Ricardo Labesb
  • Martin Depardieuc
  • Claudio Battilocchiob
  • Matthew G. Davidsona
  • Steven V. Leyb
  • Chick C. Wilsonad
  • and Karen Robertson*c
  • a Centre for Sustainable Chemical Technologies, Department of Chemistry, University of Bath, UK
  • b Department of Chemistry, University of Cambridge, UK
  • c Department of Chemistry, University of Bath, UK
  • d EPSRC Future Continuous Manufacturing and Advanced Crystallisation Research Hub, University of Bath, UK
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