Improving Efficiency by Using Continuous Flow to Enable Cycles: Pseudo-Catalysis, Catalysis and Kinetics

Added on:
21 Apr, 2020

This thesis is centered around the use of flow chemistry to enable cycles in order to increase reaction or process efficiency. Chapter two describes the development of a pseudo-catalytic cycle
in space; a strategy to achieve formal sub-stoichiometric loading of a chiral auxiliary. By telescoping auxiliary attachment, asymmetric transformation and auxiliary cleavage into one continuous flow process, coupled with separation of product and recovery of auxiliary, the reuse of the auxiliary can be automated by returning the recovered auxiliary back to the start of the process to achieve ‘turn-over.’ An asymmetric hydrogenation mediated by Oppolzer’s sultam is used to demonstrate this concept.

  • Ryan Sullivan, Ottawa, Canada
  • Thesis submitted to the University of Ottawa, 2020
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