Continuous Flow Synthesis of Cyclobutenes Using LED Technology

Added on:
15 May, 2023

Cyclobutenes are highly strained ring systems of considerable synthetic interest that can be accessed via cycloaddition reactions between alkenes and alkynes. However, their traditional preparation relies on photochemical [2+2]-cycloadditions that exploit low wavelength UV radiation emitted from inefficient medium-pressure Hg-lamps. This paper reports on the development of a modern approach using a high-power LED set-up emitting at the boundary of UV-A and visible light in conjunction with a continuous flow reactor. The resulting flow process renders a series of cyclobutenes from maleimides and various commercial alkynes. This provides a more energy-efficient approach that is readily scalable to access multigram quantities of cyclobutenes in high chemical yields and short residence times. The value of these products is exemplified by flow-based hydrogenations yielding highly substituted cyclobutanes which represent sought after building blocks in modern medicinal chemistry programs.

  • Megan Smytha
  • Thomas S Moodya,b
  • Scott Wharrya
  • Marcus Baumannc
  • aBiocatalysis group, Almac Sciences Ltd, Craigavon, United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
  • bManufacturing, Arran Chemical Company, Athlone, Ireland
  • bChemistry, University of Durham, Durham, United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
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