A sustainable strategy for the alkylation of heterocycles is presented. The protocol relies on the in-situ generation and further in-line use of alkyl zinc sulfinates through a continuous-flow system. The environmentally friendly character of the protocol is assured by the use of a green solvent mixture, the presence of a metal free oxidant and low waste generation.
José Luis Nova-Fernándeza,b
Montaña J. Garcíaa
Leonardo Mollaria
Gustavo Pascual-Cocab
Silvia Cabrerac,d,e
José Alemánad,e
aOrganic Chemistry Department, M1, Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, 28049,
Madrid, Spain.
bSynthelia Organics Labs, C/ Faraday, 7, Labs 2.05 and 0.03, Parque Científico de
Madrid, 28049, Madrid, Spain.
cInorganic Chemistry Department, M7, Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, 28049,
Madrid, Spain.
dInstitute for Advanced Research in Chemical Sciences (IAdChem), Universidad
Autónoma de Madrid, 28049, Madrid, Spain.
eCenter for Innovation in Advanced Chemistry (ORFEO-CINQA), Universidad
Autónoma de Madrid.
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