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N-Heterocyclic silver carbene compounds have been extensively studied and shown to be active agents against a host of pathogenic bacteria and fungi. By incorporating hypothesised virulence targeting substituents into NHC-silver systems via salt metathesis, an atom efficient complexation process can used to develop new complexes to target the passive and active systems of a microbial cell. The incorporation of fatty acids and an FtsZ inhibitor have been achieved, and creation of both the intermediate salt and subsequent silver complex has been streamlined into a continuous flow process. Biological evaluation was conducted with in vitro toxicology assays showing these novel complexes had excellent inhibition against Gram-negative strains E. coli, P. aeruginosa and K. pneumonia; further studies also confirmed the ability to inhibit biofilm formation in Methicillin-resistant S. aureus and C. Parapsilosis. In vivo testing using a murine thigh infection model showed promising inhibition of MRSA for the lead compound SBC3, which is derived from 1,3-dibenzyl-4,5-diphenylimidazol-2-ylidene(NHC*).