Automated Chemical Solid-Phase Synthesis of Glycans

    • Xiaona Lia
    • You Yanga
    • aShanghai Frontiers Science Center of Optogenetic Techniques for Cell Metabolism, Shanghai Key Laboratory of New Drug Design, Engineering Research Center of Pharmaceutical Process Chemistry, Ministry of Education, School of Pharmacy, East China University of Science and Technology, 130 Meilong Road, Shanghai, 200237 China

    Automated chemical solid-phase synthesis is an automation platform for rapid and reliable synthesis of glycans. Since the seminal work of Automated Glycan Assembly (AGA) disclosed by Seeberger in 2001, AGA has evolved from a proof-of-concept to a robust and reliable technology for streamlined production of various types of glycans. Through more than 20 years of unceasing efforts, the major breakthroughs in AGA including linkers, approved building blocks, and synthesizers have been acquired, and numerous influential achievements have been made in complex glycan synthesis. In addition, the HPLC-assisted automated synthesis emerges as a promising automation platform to access glycans. In this review, we highlight the key advances in the field of automated chemical solid-phase synthesis, especially in AGA. The synthesis of representative glycans based on AGA is also described.

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