Solid-phase oligonucleotide synthesis DNA 9-mer

This application note illustrates the capabilities of Vapourtec’s flow chemistry systems in the field of solid-phase oligonucleotide synthesis in continuous flow. Previous application notes have covered the synthesis of peptides and carbohydrates using polymeric resin as solid support, using a Variable Bed Flow Reactor (VBFR) to control swelling and growth throughout the synthesis, minimising dead volumes and eliminating channelling of reagents. The controlled packing density and overall protocol yielded a final crude purity of ~77 % of a 9-mer oligonucleotide with an estimated isolated yield of 82 % in under 4.5 hours.

This application note illustrates the capabilities of Vapourtec’s flow chemistry systems in the field of solid-phase oligonucleotide synthesis in continuous flow.
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