Visible light‐promoted Fe‐catalyzed Csp2‐Csp3 Kumada cross‐coupling in flow

    • Xiao-Jing Weia
    • Irini Abdiajb
    • Carlo Sambiagioa
    • Chenfei Lic
    • Eli Zysman-Colmanc
    • Jesús Alcázarb
    • Timothy Noëla
    • a Department of Chemical Engineering and Chemistry Micro Flow Chemistry and Synthetic Methodology Eindhoven University of Technology Den Dolech 2, 5612 AZ Eindhoven (The Netherlands)
    • b Discovery Sciences, Janssen Research and Development Jannsen-Cilag, S.A. Jarama 75A, 45007 Toledo (Spain)
    • c Organic Semiconductor Center, EaStCHEM School of ChemistryUniversity of St Andrews, St Andrews, Fife, KY16 9ST (UK).

    A continuous‐flow, visible light‐promoted method has been developed to overcome the limitations of Fe‐catalyzed Kumada‐Corriu cross‐couplings. A variety of strongly electron‐rich aryl chlorides, previously hardly reactive, could be efficiently coupled with aliphatic Grignard reagents at room temperature, in high yields and within a few minutes residence time, considerably enhancing the applicability of this Fe‐catalyzed reaction. The robustness of this protocol was demonstrated on the multi‐gram scale, providing the potential for future pharmaceutical application.

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