Vapourtec easy-Medchem system “live-demonstrations” on show in Mumbai


    The forthcoming Flow Chemistry India conference (Mumbai, January 21-22) will see Vapourtec represented by our Indian distribution partners Pi-Process Intensification.

    Vapourtec’s easy-MedChem will be showcased in Mumbai. The easy-MedChem is a system aimed at chemists looking to do initial optimisation, followed by scale up optimisation. The system includes a tube reactor and column reactor for solid supported catalysts or reagents.

    Vijay Kirpalani, CEO of Pi-Process Intensification, will be running an easy-MedChem demonstration workshop at the conference in conjunction with respected customers CIPLA.

    Vijay commented: ‘This workshop is specially designed to demonstrate the application/capabilities of  Flow Chemistry by running “live” reactions in Continuous Flow Reactors like the Vapourtec – reacting n-BuLi safely at near ambient temperatures and many other reactions.’

    ‘It will also demonstrate the ease, versatility and speed at which development work is done using the Vapourtec system’ added Vijay.

    For more details visit flow chemistry India conference website

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